Moraine Conservation and Sportsman’s Club

Meeting Minutes for December 14, 2015


7:05pm – Board of Directors met prior to the general membership meeting. These are the list of issues that were discussed:

-Jon received bills from Kim (trap bldg), Jim (Nicole cleaning) Brian (?) and was asked to pay any bills.

-Jim brought new card key system and showed the two different type cards. I was decided there be an initial charge of $20 to acquire a new key with a $10/yr maintenance fee. All current card key holders who wish to upgrade to new system will have to apply for new card in person. Any old card key agreements will not be honored.


7:40     Meeting was called to order

Before meeting started Stephen introduce Jim Gallagher from local Boy Scouts asking permission to use the club for a two night sleepover Jan 15 & 16, 2016 for troop who are helping with the Jennings Prairie Cleanup project in exchange the scouts would be willing to do service projects at club and/or a donation. Motion made and passed to allow club use.

Introduction of Officers: Kim-Recording Secretary, Mike Cumberland-President, Brian Jesteadt-Membership,  Jon Hiser-Treasurer, Stephen Gustkey-Pistol Team, George Queen –Membership at Large and Mike Ripley-Jr. Rifle/Black Powder.

Last month’s minutes read and accepted

Treasurer’s Report: Jon read the treasurer’s report.

Bills & Communications: Jon paid bills

Pop Machine: Steve reported an income of $4 from pop in refrigerator and said pop free tonight and lowered the price to .50 can until old stock is gone.

Rental Committee Report: Kim reported rentals on 12/20 & 12/25 coming up. Steve said no range rentals.

Pistol Team: Stephen said team doing good and mentioned that Brian shot a perfect slow fire round of 100 straight in practice. With a gross of $206 and $32 softener salt expense, Steve turned in $122 to club.

Trap Team: There will be league shoot this Sunday and Tom turned in $76 to club from winter league/practice.

Black Powder: Mike said meat shoot slow but mentioned that their annual primitive hunt will start day after Christmas.

Junior Rifle Team: Several new shooters and kids are doing well with some using their shooting skills to successfully harvest deer this past season. Collecting $55 in range fees, Mike turned in $35 to club.

Sister in Arms: Mike talked to Sharon who is still recuperating from injuries and said she is hoping to get back to conducting her classes soon.

Fun Indoor Shoot: Dickie’s fun shoot is open to everyone and the cost is $10 for 10 rounds. It runs every Monday night from 7pm-9pm except second Monday of every month which is meeting night.

Membership: Brian read all new memberships and welcomed all new members who introduced themselves. He collected $1645 with $1400 going to General fund and $245 to Maintenance fund. We are approaching our maximum membership as outlined in the Bylaws. Members are encouraged to renew before deadline at February’s meeting as there is a possibility that membership will be full and a waiting list will be started.

Old Business: Mike said doors are replaced but still some finishing work needed to be done. Bruce talked with Mr.Tenney regarding him doing the excavating work on rifle range. Mr.Tenney is waiting to get his machine fixed soon. Election of Officers will remain the same with the exception of Tom Horstman who replaces Bruce Bateman as Trap team representative. Kim resigned from Hall rental and new member Peggy Fellenz will replace her. She can be contacted at 724-290-3578.

New Business: New card key fees that were decided in BOD meeting were announced to membership in attendance. Assignment of new keys will require a signed contract ensuring key would only be used by holder and that they would be held responsible if any unauthorized person uses their key.

8:25 pm – motion was made to adjourn meeting.